Dani Bou Gebrayel
My view of football
July 5, 2022
Football brings people together and gives them an identity and a feeling of belonging.
Some claim that football is a surrogate for hunting which our ancestors depended on for their survival. According to this, a goal in the game is equivalent to a kill or sacrifice, which explains the sense of importance surrounding the game.
Another theory is that football is a ritualized warfare. In football, we use military words such as campaigns, tactics, captains. This is not a coincidence that its popularity helped young men engage less in battle than in the past.
Both of these theories are to be discussed further but another and yet simpler theory needs to be added. Human history can be viewed as a theory of increasing the split between our physical selves and our minds. Football works the other way around by uniting our brain with the parts of our body at the opposite extremity (our feet), it temporarily binds that split. When we play football we become whole again.